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The Transfo is an experimental program led by The 27th Region, which aims to help a group of local authorities to create their own innovation lab. This blog is the shared logbook of all the cities engaged in the program. Welcome!  


Simultaneously launched in a group of volunteer cities all over France, La Transfo is based on a precise protocol drawn up in a contract signed by all the stakeholders – La 27e Région, pilot cities and the cross-disciplinary teams set up for the program.
  • For each pilot city, La 27e Région mandates a cross-disciplinary team of
 3 persons composed of skilled professionals (designers, social scientists, city-planners, participation specialists, community organizers…), who are accustomed to working with/for public administrations and local authorities. We call them the Residents.
  • Each city selects a group of 20 volunteer civil servants and officials, working in various departments and fields, all willing to take part in the program and allowed to do so by their executive managers. We call them the Ambassadors.
  • The Ambassadors then take part in a series of practical and hands-on sessions led by the Residents and based on real challenges presented by the city for a total of 35 days at a rate of 2-3 full day sessions spaced over a year and a half.
  • The Teams are not provided with a toolkit but are encouraged to build their own methods, approaches and tools adapted to the context of the city’s organization and management, and to the projects and policies chosen as testbeds (each pilot city must choose a specic policy, e.g., a policy for youth, mobility, poverty, etc.). These methods are transferred to the participants following a process of experimentation and empowerment. Most of them draw inspiration from and use some or all steps of what we call the Innovation method, inspired by Bloomberg’s Innovation Delivery approach, but also by service design methodologies.
The advantageousness of this process is that no one can predict at the beginning what their innovation lab will look like. La Transfo is an ongoing exploration leading people to discover step by step and to build collectively the strategies, positioning and tools that really fit the context of their organization. The starting hypothesis is that it is not possible to create an innovation lab overnight and without testing it collectively beforehand.  


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The Transfo simultaneously meets several goals, including:
  • Training civil servants engaged in the program by testing and appropriating new tools and working methods;
  • Producting new ideas or solutions, through the application of these tools and working methods, on policies chosen as testbeds with the participating authorities
  • Creating, in each local authorities, a group of welded agents who are accustomed to working together in a more collaborative and transversal way.
It is the combination of these three goals that will allow to build a suitable path to a functional innovation lab.  


The Transfo is characterized by a certain state of mind, based on values ​​and principles of work, that must be adopted by all the protagonists of the program (27th Region team, Residents, civil servants and selected officials involved).   EMPATHY, EXPERIMENTATION, ESSAY-ERROR, POSITIVE SPIRIT, WELL-BEING HACKING, CAPACITY BUILDING, AUTONOMY, COLLECTIVE, EXPLORATION, IMMERSION  


If the program interests you and you want to know more, you can consult the presentation page of the La Transfo program on the website of the 27th Region or contact us on infos@la27eregion.fr.  


La transfo is an experimental program led in partnership with city of Paris, the city of Mulhouse and Mulhouse-Alsace-Agglomeration. It is supported by the foundation Bloomberg Philanthropies.